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First Grade Curriculum

First Grade Curriculum


This year we will be using Collaborative Classroom for our ELA instruction. The program has been carefully designed to nurture students academically and socially, while providing rigorous instruction in early reading strategies including, reading comprehension, fluency, phonics and decoding, high frequency word recognition, vocabulary, spelling and handwriting.   

This year our units will focus on: 

Unit 1- The Classroom Community (Fiction, Non- Fiction, and Poetry) 

Unit 2- Making Connections (Fiction and Poetry)  

Unit 3- Retelling (Fiction)  

Unit 4- Visualizing (Poetry and Fiction) 

Unit 5- Wondering (Fiction and Non-Fiction)  

Unit 6- Making Connections (Non-Fiction and Fiction)  

Unit 7- Wondering (Non- Fiction and Poetry)  

Unit 8- Using Text Features (Non-Fiction and Poetry) 


During writer’s workshop, first grade students will engage in producing various written pieces. They will write opinion pieces, informative pieces, and narratives. They will also participate in shared research! When spelling, we encourage the children to stretch out the sounds they hear as they write. We will also focus on handwriting.


In first grade, we will focus on the following standards:

Social Studies:


We will explore 2 science kits this year:


We will focus on our health and safety.

  • Operations and Algebraic Thinking (Addition and subtraction within 20)
  • Number and Operations in Base Ten (Using place value understanding to add and subtract within 100)
  • Measurement and Data
  • Telling time to the hour and half hour
  • Identifying coins, and counting dimes and pennies up to 100 cents
  • Geometry
  • First grade students will also focus on counting, reading and writing numbers up to 120, and we will work on fluently adding and subtracting facts within 10. 
  • Self, family, culture, and community
  • Government and economy
  • Geography
  • Sending Messages with Light and Sound
  • Sky Patterns
  • We will also learn about life cycles